Welcome to Paribello


The Paribello Salon develops a personal, artistic projection of self through hair. At the salon’s core is Vincent Paribello – artist and healer; a soulful and loving person. The salon’s approach to each client is to look at their hair as an extension of the person’s self and never as something to be shaped into another person’s style.  

Vincent works closely with the salon’s clients, creating a unique shared vision right from the first appointment. Starting with an understanding of what each client wants from their hair, Vincent helps clients see how their hair’s texture, movement and flow create opportunities for distinctive reflections of their personality. That relationship allows Vincent to take the experience beyond a replication of fashionable styles. The result is an expression that is not only personal, but one that makes each client comfortable and confident. 

“Sassoon taught me all the rules, but I also need to look at each client and the trajectory of their life. What is their personality and what is the nature of their hair? With that, I know which of the rules to respect, which ones I can break and which ones I can take to the edge.”

Vincent Paribello
